The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (2025)

With amazing, health-promoting benefits for your hormones and cycle, this is the BEST Period Drink EVER! This Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer is an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving period elixir that’s perfect to drink when you have PMS or during the first couple of days of your cycle.

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (1)

There are a handful of days in a woman’s cycle that can be a real drag…

You know what I’m talking about.

Those bloated, emotional, crampy, hormonal, eat-an-entire-bag-of-Oreos days that lead up to and include the first couple days of the blessed arrival of dear Aunt Flo.

Since I’ve cleaned up my diet, eliminated environmental toxins, reduced stress, and spend regular time in nature, my menstrual discomfort is significantly better. I also experienced very noticeable improvement when I switched from tampons and pads to a menstrual cup.

But, that doesn’t mean my cycle is all smooth sailing. The day before my period starts and the first day of my period can are sometimes rough.

How Food, Stress, & Sleep Affect Our Periods

I have noticed a direct correlation between what I eat, my stress levels, and sleep and how easy or hard my period is. Take this real-life example from one of my previous cycles in 2015 (the period that prompted the invention of The Best Period Drink Ever):

During the week before my cycle, my husband’s parents came to visit. Although we had a wonderful time with them, we ate out way more than normal.

Unfortunately, we weren’t eating very healthy food. I was consuming copious amounts of icky restaurant ingredients, like sugar, gluten, vegetable oils. By the middle of the week, David and I felt bloated, gassy, and brain foggy.

Furthermore, we stayed up late visiting several nights in a row to spend as much time with his parents as possible. I was definitely short on sleep.

The day after his parents left, my husband went out of town for the weekend, leaving me alone with the kids.

Because we had lived in our new home for just 5 months, I was afraid and stressed out the entire time he was gone, especially at night. Our house is far out in the woods, and it is extremely dark. My mind played all sorts of tricks on me, and I didn’t get a good quality or quantity of sleep.

I started my period the day after he came back home… and I felt like I’d been hit by a semi truck.

My body was trying to cope with higher-than-usual stress levels + poor dietary choices for a whole week + no sleep + hormonal swings that naturally come before the beginning of a cycle.

Boy, did I learn some valuable lessons!!

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (2)

Listening to Cravings = Medicine (How the Best Period Drink Ever Worked for Me!)

At about 3:00 on the afternoon I had started my period, I was laying in bed and counting down the minutes til my husband would be home and I could go “off duty”. Suddenly, I had one of the weirdest cravings I’ve ever had:

Pineapple and Turmeric.

It came from nowhere, but I just had to have pineapple and turmeric. I had no appetite, so the only thing that sounded good to me was to concoct some sort of drink that would flood my body quickly with whatever nutrients it was craving from these two foods.

After mixing up two spritzers and drinking them within an hour, everything changed.

My all-over body pain and cramping were about 80% improved, my mind felt clear again, and I had energy at a time of day when I usually start getting tired — 4:00 in the afternoon. The headache was gone, and I was able to get out of bed and pick up my house!

Total honesty here? I didn’t know pineapple or turmeric possessed such amazing hormone-balancing, anti-inflammatory qualities beforehand. I truly believe my body was desperate for relief and was craving exactly what it needed.

It’s so important to listen to your body’s cravings (unless it’s for crappy food, soda, or sugar!). I am so thankful I had everything on hand that day and was able to quickly concoct a deliciousdrink that delivered nutrients and healing to my body in minutes.

So why was my body craving pineapple and turmeric? What are the benefits of pineapple, turmeric, and carrots that make this Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer the Best Period Drink Ever??

Turns out, all 3 of these beautiful Real Foods are loaded with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and hormone-balancing properties!

Let’s discuss!

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (3)

The Benefits of Pineapple Cores

Pineapple has been studied next to leading pharmaceuticals, and there is strong evidence to show that it may actually be more effective, even against cancer.

Bromelain — a super cool enzyme — is the magic ingredient. This sulfur-based enzyme is a well-researched anti-inflammatory, making it effective against pain of all sorts, including arthritis, sports injuries, and yes, menstrual cramps.

Most of the bromelain in pineapples is found in the core and stem (source) — both of which are difficult, if not impossible, to eat. Juicing or blending the core, however, solves this problem.

Also, pineapple is very high in manganes — an essential mineral for women’s cycle health.

Studies have shown a connection between low levels of trace minerals and heightened PMS. Manganese is a trace mineral that can bring relief from mood swings, headaches, and irritability that so often accompany the days leading up to and the first couple of days of the menstrual period (source).

Many of the anti-oxidants in pineapple are helpful in balancing and regulating hormones in both men and women.

Pineapple is so full of enzymes that it is an extremely easy food to digest and can actually be healing to the digestive system.

Note: ONLY fresh pineapple juice retains these amazing benefits. Bromelain is non-existent in canned or pasteurized pineapple because it is an enzyme, and enzymes are quickly destroyed when heated. Canned or pasteurized juice is nothing more than a dead food, full of fructose and, often, added sugar.

So, if you truly want all the benefits of pineapple, most notably anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving bromelain, choose fresh and juice or blend it yourself.

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (4)

The Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a miracle root with benefits so numerous, I could easily fill 2 or 3 posts! For this purposes of this article, I just want to focus on the benefits of turmeric that, I believe, made me crave it during my cycle. Buy quality turmeric here.

Because it is anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and pain-relieving, turmeric can be especially helpful during a woman’s menstrual cycle — particularly during the days leading up to the beginning of the cycle and the first couple of days of the period itself (source).

Turmeric is known to decrease pain and intensity of periods because it’s anti-spasmodic properties alleviate cramping. Turmeric’s pain-relieving abilities are extremely helpful for the abdominal, lower back, and often, full body pain that often accompanies periods.

Believe it or not, turmeric is actually a wonderful, natural alternative for the NSAIDs, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen many women reach for to ease menstrual pain.

For a complete overview of how fantastic turmeric is for us ladies, see this article: How Turmeric Benefits Female Reproductive System.

When I consumed just 1/4 teaspoon of powdered turmeric in this spritzer, the severe cramping and body pain I had felt for most of the day was 80% better in about an hour!

The Benefits of Carrots

Whole, raw carrots happen to be extremely helpful in hormone balance. They help the body detox the excess estrogen that causes symptoms such as tender or swollen breasts, mood swings and depression around cycle time, heavy menstrual bleeding, and night sweats.

I use just the juice in this Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer. Though not necessarily hormone-balancing, carrot juice is not short on healing properties.

It’s anti-inflammatory, therefore it may work with the pineapple and turmeric to reduce menstrual pain and discomfort. Carrot juice also promotes healthy cognitive function. Therefore, it is helpful in combatting the brain fog many of us experience around the beginning of our cycles (source). It is also loaded with antioxidants — something we all could use a lot more of!

Are you ready to make the best period drink ever?!

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (5)

How to Make The Best Period Drink Ever with a Juicer

First, peel and cut up a pineapple. KEEP THE CORE! That’s the magic ingredient!

You can save the chopped pineapple in an airtight container in your fridge. Cut the core into pieces that will fit into your juicer. I have this juicer.

Juice the pineapple core and 2 large carrots. This should yield about 1-1/2 cups of juice “concentrate”.

Whisk in turmeric powder and stevia, if using.

Fill a glass with ice, pour in about 1/2 cup of the juice concentrate, and fill the remainder of the glass with unflavored, sparkling mineral water.

Stir and drink!

How to Make The Best Period Drink Ever Without a Juicer

You’ll need a high-speed blender for this — like a Vitamix or BlendTec.

Cut the pineapple core and carrots into chunks and add them to the blender along with 1/2 cup of water. Blend on high speed or use the “Whole Juice” setting on the BlendTec.

Pour this mixture through a nut milk bag or flour sack towel and squeeze until all of the juice is out.

Make the drink as directed above.

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (6)

Recipe FAQs

Can I use frozen or canned pineapple?

No, canned pineapple does not contain the enzyme bromelain nor does it contain pineapple core. The core is the most concentrated source of bromelain. Bromelain is also deactivated by heat, and all canned pineapple is heated before canning.

You can use frozen pineapple, but be aware that you will not be getting a high source of bromelain.

Can I use bottled carrot juice?

It is preferable to use fresh, raw carrot juice to retain all the nutrients and enzymes in the carrots. Bottled carrot juice is shelf-stable because it is pastuerized, killing all of the enzymes.

What if I have fresh turmeric? Can I use that?

Absolutely! Simply juice an inch or so of fresh turmeric along with the carrots and pineapple core. Omit the turmeric powder if using fresh turmeric.

Can I freeze leftover concentrate?

Sure! I think an ice cube tray would work best.

Is this drink safe for men or kids?

Yes, ma’am! Nothing crazy will happen if you give your partner or kids this period elixir. 😉

I don’t like/avoid carbonated drinks. What should I do?

Honestly, this doesn’t have to be a spritzer. You can totally drink the juice concentrate as-is without diluting it. You could also add plain water if you wanted it diluted. I love fizzy drinks, and they don’t bother me at all, but I know this isn’t the case for many. 🙂

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (7)

4.25 from 4 votes


The BEST Period Drink Ever (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Period Elixir)

With amazing, health-promoting benefits for your hormones and cycle, this is the BEST Period Drink EVER! This Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer is an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving period elixir that's perfect to drink when you have PMS or during the first couple of days of your cycle.


Prep Time 5 minutes

Total Time 10 minutes

Servings 3 drinks

Author Rebecca Hansen



  1. First, you'll need to juice the pineapple and carrots using either a juicer or blender. See post above. You need roughly 1-1/2 cups of juice to make a "concentrate" of sorts.

  2. Whisk in the turmeric.

  3. Add ice to a glass.

  4. Pour 1/2 cup of the juice concentrate over the ice.

  5. Top off with sparkling mineral water and drink.

Recipe Notes

If this drink isn't sweet enough for you, add 1/32 teaspoon of stevia powder.

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The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (8)

More Natural Period Information & Pain Relief

Have you ever used food as medicine during your cycle? Will you give the BEST period drink ever a try?

Originally published October 12, 2015. Updated text, photos, and pin images and republished April 9, 2020.

The BEST Period Drink Ever! (Pineapple Carrot Turmeric Spritzer -- anti-inflammatory & pain-relieving PMS elixir) (2025)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.