Predator revo radial owners (2025)


Well-known member
  • Jul 16, 2021
  • #1

I do not like the uniloc. Predator seems to be releasing more cues in radial which seems like a solid connection to me. How are the tolerances with the predator butt and shaft for you guys that own this setup? Thinking about picking one up in the next couple of months potentially.


AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Jul 17, 2021
  • #2

I have a Steve Titus cue that uses the Predator pin and all three of my radial Revo’s fit a little loose. If I don’t tighten them well they’ll come loose. I have a Coos Cue radial pin butt that fits my Revo’s snug. I’m sure that pin isn’t from predator.


AzB Gold Member

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  • Jul 17, 2021
  • #3

I am somewhat of a Predator collector. Most of my cues are shooters with the exception of two collectibles. Those two are Uniloc cues as well as my BK Rush break cue. Every other Predator I own, 4 of them, are Radial joints. I use the same shaft for shooting no matter which of the 4 Radial butts I use: a Revo 11.8mm black vault plate with stock soft Victory tip dyed black. All my butts weigh 19 oz. with the Revo shaft. Three of my four shooters are extremely sought after models. Every Uniloc shaft I have ever owned has been sold with the exception of the ones matched to the 2 collectors. I have about a half dozen Radials in 314 and Z3 which I hold on to in case I sell one of me Radial butts. After years of shooting all kinds of joints I have decided that, FOR ME, the flat radial joint feels the best and locks up perfectly.

Joe P.

AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Jul 17, 2021
  • #4

I have 2 Revo shafts and 3 radial pin butts (Mike Webb, custom a friend made, and Predator) and have no problem with them loosening up


Well-known member
  • Jul 17, 2021
  • #5

RickLafayette said:

I am somewhat of a Predator collector. Most of my cues are shooters with the exception of two collectibles. Those two are Uniloc cues as well as my BK Rush break cue. Every other Predator I own, 4 of them, are Radial joints. I use the same shaft for shooting no matter which of the 4 Radial butts I use: a Revo 11.8mm black vault plate with stock soft Victory tip dyed black. All my butts weigh 19 oz. with the Revo shaft. Three of my four shooters are extremely sought after models. Every Uniloc shaft I have ever owned has been sold with the exception of the ones matched to the 2 collectors. I have about a half dozen Radials in 314 and Z3 which I hold on to in case I sell one of me Radial butts. After years of shooting all kinds of joints I have decided that, FOR ME, the flat radial joint feels the best and locks up perfectly.

Thanks for info. I was thinking 12.4mm but seems like 11.8 is getting some traction. You played with both?


Bar Banger, Cue Collector

Silver Member

  • Jul 17, 2021
  • #6

Nyquil said:

Thanks for info. I was thinking 12.4mm but seems like 11.8 is getting some traction. You played with both?

Both play phenomenal. Just depends which size feels more comfortable to you. IMO of course.



AzB Gold Member

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  • Jul 18, 2021
  • #7

gregnice37 said:

Both play phenomenal. Just depends which size feels more comfortable to you. IMO of course.

The 11.8 has alittle less deflection



AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Jul 18, 2021
  • #8

Why do you not like uni-lock ?



Life Long Learner

Silver Member

  • Jul 18, 2021
  • #9

I recently bought a Diveney with a radial and the Revo radial I have on it matches perfectly. I have no idea what the exact size is at the joint collar though.


Well-known member
  • Jul 18, 2021
  • #10

MitchAlsup said:

Why do you not like uni-lock ?

I had a predator ikon several years back and it would come loose during play every now and then.


AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Oct 16, 2021
  • #11

I purchased a P3 because I love the look. Bought a 30" Revo radial joint, had the P3 switched from Uniloc to Radial, and don't regret it one bit...sounds better feels awesome.. the only way I'll continue to shoot with a Revo..


Well-known member
  • Oct 16, 2021
  • #12

puertorociii said:

I purchased a P3 because I love the look. Bought a 30" Revo radial joint, had the P3 switched from Uniloc to Radial, and don't regret it one bit...sounds better feels awesome.. the only way I'll continue to shoot with a Revo..

Heard great things on the P3. One of the largest online predator dealers on a few of the FB billiard pages mentioned it has the most solid hit of any predator made to date. The radial I think helps take the "ting" away that people were mentioning. I don't have that issue unless I need to chalk. I do wish when I got my cue the 30 inch revo was an option that extra inch would make a difference since I am pretty tall.


AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Oct 17, 2021
  • #13

Been shooting with Icon 1-1 with Uniloc since 2011. No problems with joint loosening. Never. It is very well used.


AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Oct 17, 2021
  • #14

I've been thinking.... yeah, I know, some of you didnt know I could do that... i wonder if some of you are just cranking down too hard when tightening? I seen some guys tighten so much, I wonder when they will pull the insert out of the shaft. Almost to the point they need a vice grip to take it back apart. That has to add to wear and tear.

I even seen an Asain pro do it between every game. And I mean CRANKING on it. I think it was the first event Predator tables were debuted.


Well-known member
  • Oct 17, 2021
  • #15

buckshotshoey said:

I've been thinking.... yeah, I know, some of you didnt know I could do that... i wonder if some of you are just cranking down too hard when tightening? I seen some guys tighten so much, I wonder when they will pull the insert out of the shaft. Almost to the point they need a vice grip to take it back apart. That has to add to wear and tear.

I even seen an Asain pro do it between every game. And I mean CRANKING on it. I think it was the first event Predator tables were debuted.

I bought mine new and never cranked on it. I know plenty of people like that pin type though and haven't had issues. To each their own. It's radial all day for me.


AzB Silver Member

Silver Member

  • Oct 27, 2021
  • #16

I never had an issue with the joint coming loose. Just prefer the feel and hit of the radial pin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Silver Member

  • Oct 27, 2021
  • #17

To clarify, Uni-lock are both pins, One is called the quick release uni-lock the other is a radial pitch ( Radial pin ) flat faced uni-lock developed by predator. But yes Ive played with both and yes Iv'e liked both of them. But I do prefer the tightness of the Radial pin, and have always been a fan of ( Big pin ) flat faced jointed cues.

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Predator revo radial owners (2025)


Who is the owner of Predator cues? ›

Karim Belhaj, Predator's CEO.

Where is predator Revo made? ›

Our Revo factory in Boston reopened a couple of weeks ago. We want to thank our hard-working employees there. Now, you can order any Cue from Predatorcues. com, and upgrade it to a Revo.

Who is the new predators owner? ›

On June 17, 2022, the Predators announced that former Governor of Tennessee Bill Haslam would purchase shares in the club and become majority owner over the course of several years. Haslam's brother, Jimmy Haslam, is the owner of the Cleveland Browns and the Columbus Crew.

What is the parent company of Predator? ›

Predator (franchise)
Owner20th Century Studios
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